
  • Asli Troin Hutasoit STIKes Mitra Husada Medan
  • Stevany Pangaribuan STIKes Mitra Husada Medan
  • Martaulina Sinaga STIKes Mitra Husada Medan
  • Lasria Simamora STIKes Mitra Husada Medan


Keywords: Charasteristics, Baby Blues, Post Partum


Background: Postpartum Distress Syndrome or also often referred to as Baby Blues Syndrome
is a psychological reaction in the form of postpartum depression symptoms with mild levels.
This syndrome appears after childbirth and often occurs on the third or fourth postpartum day
and peaks on the fifth and fourteenth postpartum days (Medicastore, 2012).The population on
the incidence of postpartum blues in Indonesia is ranked fourth, which is about 31 births per
1000 population (USAID, 2016). While the incidence of postpartum blues in Indonesia
according to the Indonesian Ministry of Health (2018) from an average of 6.8%, where about
3% of the age of the mother at childbirth between 11-19 years. Methods: This study is a
correlational analytic observational study that looks for the relationship between the
independent variable and the dependent variable using a cross sectional approach. The
independent variable in this study is the characteristics of postpartum mothers while the
dependent variable is the incidence of baby blues syndrome. Result: The results of bivariate
analysis between parity and the incidence of baby blues obtained a p value of 0.003 (<0.05),
this indicates that parity is significantly associated with the incidence of baby blues. Experience
during labor, extreme pain during the birth process can be a precipitating factor, for example
in mothers who have to be induced several times, rupture of membranes before the opening
process, episiotomy which causes pain and pain or also surgical delivery. Familiarity with
childbirth plays an important role in the incidence of postpartum blues. Mothers who have just
given birth for the first time tend to experience postpartum blues more than mothers who have
experienced childbirth before. Mothers who have just given birth for the first time will adapt
to changes in roles that have never been passed before so that they are more likely to experience
postpartum blues.
Keywords: Charasteristics, Baby Blues, Post Partum


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