The Relationship Between Knowledge And Colostrum Giving To Lbw Lbw At Rsia Maharani Tanjung Morawa


  • Dea Agus Wetania STIKes Mitra Husada Medan
  • Eka Purnamasari
  • Marliani
  • Lasria Yolivia
  • Esther Elisabeth
  • Nuradillah Hasibuan


Colostrum is the first stage in which breast milk comes out. This slightly yellowish colored colostrum contains 10 - 17 times more antibodies than mature breast milk to protect babies from substances that can cause allergies or infections before receiving complete basic immunization (Rahmah, 2019). According to 2021 (RISKESDAS) data, the Early Breastfeeding Immunization (IMD) rate fell from 58.2 percent in 2019 to 48.6 percent in 2021. For to analyze the relationship between the knowledge of post-sectio caesarean mothers and the administration of colostrum to newborns at Rsia Maharani Tanjung Morawa. Type study This is survey analytic use cross sectional design . The population of this research is post partum mothers who have babies new born in Rsia Maharani Tanjung Morawa, amount 31 person, sample obtained as big 31 . Technique sampling using total sample . Analysis data using Chi- Square . The characteristics of the respondents showed that the majority of respondents were aged 21-35 years, namely 18 respondents (58.1%), the last education was the majority of high school, namely 14 respondents (45.2%) and employment showed that the majority of respondents worked, namely 15 people (48 .4%), the majority mother's knowledge is lacking both amounted to 17 people ( 54,8 ) . Majority respondent did not give colostrum to their babies totaling 22 people (29.0%) . There is a relationship between the knowledge of post section caesarea mothers by giving colostrum at RSIA Maharani Tanjung Morawa, with p value : 0.0 32 < α : 0.05 up Ho rejected and Ha accepted. There is a relationship between mother 's knowledge and giving colostrum to newborns . There needs to be counseling about the importance of Colostrum when the newborn is to stimulate the release of breast milk during the growth period baby at RSIA Maharani Tanjung Morawa.

Keywords: knowledge, mother, post, partum, colostrum


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