
  • Livio Da Conceicao Matos Faculty of Medicine UGM
  • Hari Kusnanto Faculty of Medicine UGM
  • Detty Siti Nurdiaty Faculty of Medicine UGM


Low birth weight (LBW) is currently identified as a serious public health problem entire the world. There was because of the LBW babies are commonly facing a further harmful impact in the future. LBW children are higher risk to die within the first five years than the normal birth weight. When LBW children survive within the first five years, they will face a various constraints during their life compared to normal birth weight (WHO SEARO 2009). The main objective of the research was to identify the risk factors of LBW in Timor-Leste. This research was conducted in the Baucau Referral Hospital which is located in the eastern part of Timor-Leste. The hospital was assigned for referral patients from 16 Community Health Centers (CHCs) from three district health service area. The type of the research was cohort retrospective study where 109 LBW babies and 158 normal birth weight (NBW) babies were assigned as subjects of the research during January – June 2010. The mothers from both LBW and NBW were interviewed to trace their record on related risk factors of LBW.  To identify association between risk factors and LBW we used odds ratio approach with 95% confidence interval. There were some factors identified through X2 test which have an association with LBW. The factors mentioned were height of mother which lower than 145 cm (p-value: 0.008, OR: 2.05), mother worked during pregnancy (p-value: 0.034, OR: 5.35), mother which suffered from fever during pregnancy, (p-value: 0.000, OR: 25.7), inadequate ANC visited to the health facility (p-value: 0.000, OR: 4.02), smoking habits of mothers (p-value: 0.034, OR: 5.35), husband smoker (p-value: 0.000, OR: 56.3), upper arm boundary less than 23.5 cm (p-value: 0.000, OR: 8.54), mother living in the rural area (p-value: 0.000, OR: 7.39), interval pregnancy less than two years (p-value: 0.007, OR: 3.06). Among the risk factors mentioned, only six factors identified as predominant factors of LBW. They were husband smoker, mother which suffered from fever during pregnancy, mother living in the rural area, mother working during pregnancy, upper arm boundary less than 23.5 cm, and interval pregnancy less than two years. Enhancement of accessibility of health services particularly for pregnant women and growing of food and agriculture local production are identified as the main factors which are needed to be considered together with localized free smoking area for those who need, to decrease the LBW babies in Timor-Leste.


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