Knowledge, Mother, Giving MP-ASIAbstract
Breast Milk (ASI) as the only nutritional baby until the age of 6 months is considered very important role for child growth. But in fact the child has been given MP-ASI before the age of 6 months. The provision of MP-ASI is too early to be expected because of the lack of knowledge of breastfeeding mothers who assume that their baby will not be satisfied if only consuming breast milk alone. The purpose of this research is to know the factors related to mother's knowledge in complementary feeding of mother's milk (MP-ASI). This research is a quantitative research with cross sectional approach. The research was conducted at Puskesmas Sei Mencirim, Kecamatan Sunggal, Deli Serdang Regency. Time of research in January 2024. The study population of 392 people and samples obtained 80 people. The data were analyzed by univariate and bivariate using chi-square test at 95% confidence level ( = 0,05). Based on the result of research indicate that factors related to mother's knowledge in complementary feeding of milk at Sei Mencirim Health Center Kecamatan Sunggal Regency of Ddeli Serdang year 2024 are age (p = 0,018), education (p = 0,000) , and the source of information (p = 0,000). It is suggested to the nurse at Puskesmas Sei Mencirim to improve the motivation of good work so that in carrying out the work done seriously, diligently, and actively in reaching the goal set by the puskesmas.
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