
  • Edy Marjuang Purba Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Anna Waris Nainggolan Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Mitra Husada Medan
  • Saut Purba Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Lusiatun Lusiatun Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Mitra Husada Medan


complementary breastfeeding, E-booklet, knowledge, attitude


Good nutritional intake will support rapid growth and development, whereas inappropriate nutritional intake will cause babies to experience malnutrition which will ultimately have an impact on increasing morbidity and infant mortality rates. Complementary breastfeeding is given in stages according to the child's age, starting from soft to soft form until the child gets used to family food. Low maternal knowledge and attitudes are factors related to incorrect provision of complementary breastfeeding. This research aims to determine the Effectiveness of Using E-Booklets about Complementary Feeding in Increasing the Knowledge and Attitudes of Mothers of Babies in Sembahe Baru Village. This research uses a quasi-experimental design (Quasy experiment) with a pretest-posttest research design without control group design. The population in this study were all mothers who had babies aged 6-11 months in Sembahe Baru Village. The sample size used was 44 people. The instruments used in this research were identity questionnaires, knowledge questionnaires, attitude questionnaires and booklets. Data analysis was carried out using the Wilcoxon test because the data was not normally distributed. The research results showed that the characteristics of respondents were more likely to be 20-35 years old (61.4%), more highly educated (56.8%), more likely to have parity <=2 (65.9%). The average mother's knowledge score about complementary breastfeeding before using the E-booklet was 12.65, increasing after being given the E-booklet, namely 17.48. The average score of mothers' attitudes about complementary breastfeeding before using the E-booklet was 13.84, increasing after being given the E-booklet, namely 17.92. Research results show that the use of E-booklets is effective in increasing Mother's Knowledge (0.001) and Attitudes (0.001) in Providing complementary breastfeeding. It is recommended for Health officers in Sembahe Baru Village to provide education about complementary breastfeeding using e-booklet media because it is effective in increasing maternal knowledge and attitudes so that mothers of babies can apply it correctly in making and giving complementary breastfeeding.


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