
  • Nurhaida Br.Kaban STIKes Flora


Knowledge, Teenagers, HIV AIDS


HIV/AIDS (Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a health problem in the world since 1981, this disease has developed in a pandemic. Medicines and vaccines to overcome this problem have not been found, which can result in losses not only in the health sector but also in the social, economic, political, cultural and demographic fields (MOH RI 20I9).The design used in this research is descriptive in a quantitative manner, this research was conducted at SMA Kartika I-2 Medan starting from April - June 2024. The sampling technique used in this research was Simple Random Sampling with a sample of 77 people. The instrument used is a questionnaire, the analysis used is univariate. The results of this research show that knowledge about HIV/AIDS among teenagers at SMA Raksana Medan is known to respondents aged 14-16 years, namely 74.0%, respondents from the Batak tribe, namely 35.1%, respondents from the Muslim and Christian religions, namely 27 each. .3%, all respondents obtained information about HIV/AIDS from the mass media, 76.6% of respondents had a high school education, 50.6% of respondents' parents worked as entrepreneurs. And the majority of respondents had sufficient knowledge, namely 66 respondents (85.7%) and a small number of respondents had insufficient knowledge, namely 3 respondents (3.9%). This means that teenagers at Raksana High School only have sufficient knowledge about HIV/AIDS. It is hoped that the school will be more active in increasing efforts to prevent HIV AIDS in schools by increasing direct education to students at SMA Kartika I-2 Medan.


Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS Kota Medan.


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