
  • Irma Noviana AKBID Medica Bakti Persada
  • Ulfa Maqfirah Akademi Kebidanan Medica Bakti Persada
  • Rizka Sititah Rambe Akademi Kebidanan Medica Bakti Persada


Related factors, non-compliance, FE tablets


The standard for consuming Fe tablets in pregnant women has not yet been achieved, namely 60 Fe tablets per day during the second trimester, starting at 14 weeks of gestation, the third trimester starting at 28 weeks of gestation until the 40th week of pregnancy. Recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO) This was then developed by the Indonesian Ministry of Health to a minimum of 90 tablets during pregnancy. This target was not achieved due to the mother's non-compliance in consuming Fe tablets, which resulted in the consumption of Fe tablets being taken not meeting the recommended amount.

Research method: this type of research is analytical with a cross sectional approach. The research was carried out from February to July 2023. The samples taken were 54 pregnant women in the second trimester and third trimester who had their pregnancies checked at the Community Health Center. The sampling technique uses accidental sampling. Data analysis was carried out using the chi-square test with a CI of 95% and significance was determined if (p value < 0.05). Data processing was carried out using SPSS.

Research results: obtained p value = 0.000, it is concluded that there is a relationship between knowledge and non-compliance with consuming Fe tablets. The p value = 0.000, so there is a relationship between attitude and non-compliance with consuming Fe tablets. The p value =

0.001 means there is a relationship between the role of health workers and non-compliance with consuming Fe tablets. The statistical test results obtained a p value = 0.000, so there is a relationship between family support and non-compliance with consuming Fe tablets. The statistical test results obtained a p value = 0.002, so there is a relationship between information about pregnant women and non-compliance with consuming Fe tablets.

Conclusion: from each of the variables Knowledge, Attitude, Family Support, Role of Health Workers, information about pregnant women in consuming Fe tablets, there is a significant relationship between knowledge and non-compliance with consuming Fe tablets at the Jontor Community Health Center, Subulussalam City in 2023. So that pregnant women increase compliance in consuming Fe tablets during pregnancy to maintain her health and that of her posyandu.



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