The Relationship between Knowledge and Attitudes of Pregnant Women Regarding Danger Signs of Pregnancy and the Use of Maternal and Child Health (KIA) Books in the UPTD Working Area of Longkib Health Center Subulussalam City 2024


  • Rahayu Ningsih Akademi Kebidanan Medica Bakti Persada
  • Ricca Nophia Amra Akademi Kebidanan Medica Bakti Persada
  • Rizka Sititah Rambe Akademi Kebidanan Medica Bakti Persada


Knowledge, Attitudes, Danger Signs of Pregnancy, KIA Books


Utilization of maternal and child health services is still hampered by low knowledge and attitudes of mothers regarding the danger signs of pregnancy regarding the use of maternal and child health (MCH) books. According to RISKESDAS in 2020, analysis results showed that 60% of mothers brought MCH books during pregnancy control, while 10% did not bring MCH books, and there were also 30% who did not have MCH books at all. One effort to reduce MMR is with the KIA Book program. The aim of this research is to determine the relationship between knowledge and attitudes of pregnant women regarding the danger signs of pregnancy and the use of maternal and child health (MCH) books in the UPTD work area of ​​Longkib Health Center, Subulussalam City in 2024.

The type of research used in this research is analytical with a cross-sectional approach using primary and secondary data. The population in this study were all pregnant women who had KIA books in the Longkib Health Center UPTD working area, totaling 542 people. This sampling technique uses random sampling, totaling 84 respondents. The measuring instrument used is a questionnaire.

   Based on the results of research conducted on 84 respondents, it can be seen that there were 35 respondents who had good knowledge (41.7%), and 43 respondents who had a negative attitude (48.8%). Statistical test results using the Chi-square test with a confidence level of 95% on df 1, show that there is a significant relationship between Knowledge (0.004<0.05) and Attitudes (0.004<0.05) of Pregnant Women Regarding Danger Signs of Pregnancy By Utilizing Maternal and Child Health (KIA) Books in the UPTD Working Area of ​​Longkib Health Center, Subulussalam City in 2024.

It is hoped that health workers can provide health counseling and education by educating pregnant women about the danger signs of pregnancy and the benefits of KIA books.


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