
  • Sharfina Haslin Universitas Sari Mutiara Indonesia
  • Dhea Agatha Pasaribu


Birth Ball, Classical Music Therapy, The Pain Stage 1, Primigravida


Childbirth is the process of expelling a full-term baby, and physiological labor pains accompany the placenta. Labor pain can cause complications in the mother and fetus, such as increased pain intensity, stuck/long partus, distress in the fetus, which leads to fetal asphyxia, bleeding, and death of the mother and baby. Birth ball and classical music therapy are nonpharmacological methods that can reduce labor pain. The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of using birth balls with classical music therapy on the pain stage 1 of maternity mothers at Tanjung Clinic. This study used the quasy experiment method with a sampling technique using total sampling with a sample of 16 primigravida mothers, 8 people getting birth ball intervention and 8 people getting classical music therapy intervention by collecting data using observation sheets. The results showed that the use of a birth ball was more effective than classical music therapy with a difference in score of 7.75 and the results of statistical tests obtained p-value = 0.001 (p < 0.05) so it can be concluded that there is effectiveness of using a birth ball with classical music therapy on the pain stage 1 of maternity mothers at Tanjung Clinic. This nonpharmacological method is expected to be applied in obstetric service facilities to reduce labor pain.


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