
  • Jasmen Manurung Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • Heru Sentosa Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • Asfriyati Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • Nurman Achmad Universitas Sumatera Utara


TFR, Gender Inequality, Religion, Family Size


The Batak Toba community is one of the ethnic groups with the highest Total Fertility Rate (TFR) in Indonesia compared to several ethnic groups in Indonesia. This can also be seen from the high TFR of Samosir Regency (4.5) as the place where the Batak Toba community lives. This raises the question, what causes the high TFR in the Batak Toba community? So it is necessary to research to explore fertility in the Batak Toba community and its impact on children's health. This research was conducted as qualitative research with a topic-oriented ethnographic approach. Research begins in March 2022 until April 2024. Information is explored through in-depth interviews and moderate and sometimes passive participant observation. The research informants consisted of mothers who were over 49 years old and had more than 5 children, mothers of Childbearing Age Couples who were of productive age (15 to 49 years) and had 2 children. The determination of informants was determined using purposive techniques and snowball techniques. Research data analysis was carried out interactively. Gender inequality, understanding of religious teachings, large family size, and understanding the value of success in life are four important things related to fertility in the Batak Toba community. High TFR also has an impact on low nutritional requirements for children, which in turn affects the child's health status. The trend of decreasing or shifting beliefs in cultural values ​​raises hopes that there will be a decline in fertility in the Batak Toba community. Education is an important aspect that can be used as a way to accelerate the decline in the strength of belief in cultural aspects which will then have an impact on decreasing fertility in the Batak Toba community.


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