
  • Chanthavong Phouvanh Savannakhet College of Health and Science
  • Thongdam Sisavath STIKes Mitra Husada Medan
  • Douangmala Channiyavonog STIKes Mitra Husada Medan


Pregnant women, self-care behaviors, antenatal care, Savannakhet hospital


Objectives: To study self-care behaviors of pregnant women and factors related to those behaviors.

Background: The maternal mortality rate in Laos is still the highest among Southeast Asia, at 185 per 100,000 live births. Self-care behaviors can prevent health problems during pregnancy and childbirth, consequently reducing maternal and neonatal mortality rates. Many factors have been found to be related to self-care behaviors.

Methods: A descriptive cross-section study was conducted during June – August 2020 in 108 pregnant women who attended antenatal care at Mother and child unit, Savannakhet hospital.

Results: The result showed that most pregnant women (72,2%) are under 31 years old (mean = 28,3%

± 6,1 year). Around 40% of participants had given birth only once and over one fourth (25,9%) had three or more children. Most participants (75,9%) had at least a college degree. Majority of participants were housewives (66,7%). Over half of mothers (54,6%) had high level of knowledge about pregnancy, but only around 20% of them had high self-care behaviors, majority of support from families were in poor to fair range quality (87,9%), around 5% of participants still believed in old traditional beliefs. The significant correlation was found between traditional beliefs and self-care behaviors (adjusted odds ratio = 1,3; 95% CI: 1,0; p<0,05).

Conclusions: Approximately half of participants had high level of pregnant knowledge but only 1 out of 5 had a good self-care behavior. Traditional beliefs impacted the mother self-care behaviors significantly.


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WHO Guidelines Approved by the Guidelines Review Committee.

(2016). In WHO Recommendations on Antenatal Care for a Positive Pregnancy Experience. Geneva: World Health Organization

Copyright © World Health Organization 2016


